Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Week 6: Reading Diary Part A: Indian Fairy Tales

Part A from Indian Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs

Why this fist laughed is a story that I decided to take notes on.

  • The picture caught my attention and the title. It looks silly
  • a "Certain fisherwomen is passing by and the queen runs into here
  • She asked if the fish that was in her hand a boy or a girl. She also said that she was looking for a "She-Fish" them suddenly the fish busted out into laughter for some apparent reason. 
  • The queen went home angry and a bit confused if you ask me because she had no way of explaining this phenomenon.
  • The King ordered his Vizir to find out why the fish laughed or else he would be put to death in six month. (This always seems to be a common trait in these Indian stories. The king always exercises the power to executive people at will. 
  • The story them cuts to a different one in which it is about a young farmer and an old man
  • The young man things that the old man is humorous and dumb, but when returning home the farmer tells his daughter and she thinks that he is the most smart man she has ever heard of and wants to meet him. 
  • The girl figures out that the laughing of the fish indicates that the King is in danger because there is a man who is going to try and kill him. 
  • Then the young man's daughter went to the palace with the son and explained. 
  • The maids were to be tested and try to jump a dug. (I'm not sure if that means they will die if they miss). 
  • Only one maid it and he turned out to be a man. 
  • The King saved the Vizir. 
A Tentraodontiae - Wikipedia
 More info found here

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anthony, quick note - Pixabay, like many other sites, does not allow image linking, but if you upload the image, that will work. Here's how:
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