Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Week 1: Introduction - Around The World

Hello everybody! My name is Anthony Clark and I am a Junior at The University of Oklahoma. I plan on majoring in Supply Chain Management. I don't know what it is about supply chain that interests me so much. Maybe it is just the mechanics of it all. I find it very interesting to be the guy "behind the scenes" of a business or cooperation trying to find the best technique for saving money or allocating funds. I am just really excited to lean the ins and outs of how things work. I just got accepted into the Price College of Business, so I am  taking my first Supply Chain class! Hopefully everything turns out okay.

Anyway, I'd like to say that I am from Edmond, Oklahoma, but I find this statement to be a bit bit misleading. I am actually from all over the place!

I'll start from where I was born. I was born in San Antonio, Texas. My parents are both in the Air Force (my Dad just recently retired) and this is where they met. I lived there for about 5 years then I moved to Panama City, Florida. I do not remember much about that, but there are still some things that I can never forget. The first thing is the abundance of wildlife. There were many different colorful frogs and animals. It was so cool to see them: except when they were inside of your house! The next thing I could never forget is the huge paper mill. It was a factory that constantly makes paper. I don't know why but it constantly smelled so bad just like a sewage. Every time I walked outside I could smell the paper mill. I lived in Panama City for about 2 years then I moved to Moore, Oklahoma. Here, I went to Mid-Del Christian School for about 3 years. It is now called Destiny Christian. Living in Oklahoma at the time was much different than Florida. I never experienced tornadoes until coming to Oklahoma. After 3 years in Moore, I then moved to Okinawa, Japan. This, by far, was my favorite place to live! I was about 9 or 10 so I was young, but I still remember everything. I lived on Kadena Air Force Base, so I basically went to a regular school like you would in the US. Even though I lived on base I could still go off base. My family would always go off the base and experience all the wonderful things such as all the Japanese malls, the many different aquariums, and the amusement parks. Another perk from living in Okinawa was that it was a island! On certain parts of the base you could look out in all 4 directions and just see the vast ocean. It was a beautiful site to see! There is one thing though that was bad about japan and I will never forget. It was the spiders!

Scariest Spider Alive  (picture taken by Seule at Lamma Island)
More information about the spider: Wikipedia

Let me tell you that I have never been scared of anything else more than spiders. Spiders just freak me out more than anything. Again let me emphasis my fear for them! I had a hard time just finding and uploading a picture of one. I had to look away constantly. Putting up this picture was about a 10 minute process! Anyways, I was not always terrified my them. I was just afraid ha-ha! My friend and I used to find these banana spiders in their webs and throw grasshoppers in them and just watch the spider take off and roll up the other insect. The next day there would just be a corpse or legs of the grasshopper. We did this all the time and I don't know why it was fun. Until one day a banana spider got on me... It didn't bite me or anything ,but I don't want to talk about it. Lets just say that it changed my life forever. Overall Japan was an awesome place and I if I could go back I would in a heartbeat. 

Finally, after Japan, I came back to Oklahoma and lived in Edmond were I would spend the rest of my regular grade school. I went to Deer Creek High School where I played basketball. I loved my school and met tons of great people there. I still go to Edmond about every other week to visit my girlfriend.


  1. Anthony,

    since living in Oklahoma I have met a lot of people who had similar childhoods to yours - their parents were in the Air Force and they had been all over the world! I'm glad that you can appreciate the experience of traveling and seeing so much of our country and others!

    Oh god how I wish you would not have posted that picture of the spider! I am not a fan of them either and your story about throwing grasshoppers into spiderwebs seriously grossed me out, haha. Although I will say that I have seen a lot less spiders here than I did when I lived in Massachusetts. Maybe it's the weather? I'm not sure.

    Your experience in Japan sounds amazing! I've known a few people who have visited or lived there and have always heard great things about it. It is definitely a different culture from our own, but I think that's a good thing.

    Because I can't seem read anything without proofreading, I would be a little more careful in your future posts. There were a few spellings and typing errors (I'm not judging, I just can't help myself from pointing them out! Haha). True to what Laura has said, reading things out loud really helps you see the errors. A lot of times your brains will correct them internally and we don't even realize it!

    Congratulations on being accepted into Price! Does that major require any kind of math courses or mostly just business courses? I myself have never taken a class pertaining to business, however I've had a lot of classes in Price and it's a beautiful building! Which is good since you'll likely be spending a lot of time in there, haha.

    I look forward to seeing more of your posts!

  2. Hey Anthony! Wow, Japan that is awesome! I can just imagine how amazing that would to get to experience living in another country! I am sure that it was an awesome experience. I know what you mean by all kinds of wildlife in Florida! I have been on vacation a few times to Florida and have always seen a abundance of animals everywhere! Also congrats on getting into the business college!

  3. Hi Anthony! It's so great that you found a major that you are so excited about! I hope the first class goes well this semester. That is so cool that you lived in Japan! I've always wanted to visit there and I think living in a foreign country would be such a unique experience. We also moved around the U.S. a lot when I was a kid, so I know what you mean when you say that you're really from all over. I hope you have a great semester and I look forward to reading more of your blog!

  4. I am so glad you wanted to take this class, Anthony... I figure that all the storytelling can be a boost to your business classes. And there really is something to be said for taking an EPIC approach to business. That is, finding a story, heroes, ideas that can motivate people to do really great things in whatever work they are doing. There is a man in India named Devdutt Pattanaik who is so interesting that way: he calls himself a mythologist, but he also writes about the business world; one of his books is called Business Sutra. In fact, I bet you might enjoy seeing his website - take a look and see what you think! I enjoy his work very much!!! DEVDUTT

  5. Hey Anthony! Next time, skip the spider picture! Haha, kidding. But I do REALLY hate spiders! My parents bought this old fixer-upper house a few years back and I wouldn’t even enter it after hearing they had found wolf spiders in it—I dare you to google a pic! Did you or your parents pick up any Japanese while living there? Do you have any plans to ever visit again?

  6. Hey Anthony!

    At first I wasn't sure if I would remember you from Myth-Folk, but once you started to tell about how you lived in Japan and the spider story (which we share the common fear) it all came back! I don't exactly remember you saying that you went to Mid-Del Christian before, and this is funny cause it means at one point we went to school down the street from each other (small world). It's nice to see another junior in the class, and hope the semester goes well for you!

  7. I am so jealous that you got to live in Japan. It is the one place that I would love to visit. My aunt was a flight attendant, and she loved to travel to Japan and Hong Kong. She would tell me and my sisters all the various traditions and sights that you would never get to experience in Oklahoma. I loved hearing those stories and even eating the candy that she would bring home. By the way, I’m not afraid of spiders until they crawl on me, so I completely understand.

  8. Hello Anthony!

    You have lived quite an interesting life! I can't imagine living in all of those places, particularly Japan, because I've never been there. Okinawa sounds amazing--my cousin is actually moving there soon. What a unique experience for a child. And your description of Florida does make me want to visit it again. I went to the Bahamas and Disneyworld when I was 4 or 5, and I think it's due time I see it all again :)

    I used to be terrified of spiders, too. I remember when I was a little kid I wan't afraid of them, and I saw a fuzzy, fat little black jumping spider with red/orange marks on him in the doorway I was about to walk through to get to the garage. I remember trying to dash past him quickly and he jumped on my ankle and bit me! :( For years I wouldn't get near them--not even to kill them. Finally I moved out into the country a couple years ago and could no longer avoid them; I've learned to get a giant cup, tease them in, and put them outside. But I will kill a brown recluse on the spot with bug spray, many feet away from it lol.

    Anyways, good luck to you in your future endeavors with Supply Chain Management and otherwise!

  9. Hey, Anthony! Wow, that's so cool that you lived in so many interesting places! Especially Japan! I really want to visit Japan someday. It must have been incredible to live there. And I can definitely agree with you about spiders. They freak me out, for sure. But I thought they were really neat when I was little. I held a tarantula one time at the butterfly pavilion in Denver, and I thought I was the coolest kid on the block for a long time after that :) Also, it's awesome that you're so interested in your major. Good luck with it!

  10. Hey Anthony,
    That is so cool that you were able to travel growing up. I know that some people say that it can be difficult, personally I like to think of it as a constant learning experience. And I could not agree with you more about spiders. Well, not so much the extremely little ones, but once they get to the size of a dime or penny I am done! I definitely cannot deal with spiders unless they are behind four tiny glass walls. Good luck with the rest of your semester!

  11. Anthony! I think it's pretty cool that you got to travel so much when you were younger. It definitely can be difficult, but I think it would be an awesome experience to learn about different places and to see Japan! It sounds really beautiful (beyond the smell of the paper mill). Oh, and the spiders....that picture definitely freaked me out too. I just think spiders and sneaky and they have too many legs for me to like them...but congrats on getting into Price and I hope you are enjoying your supply chains class!

  12. Hi Anthony!

    My skin crawled for you when you told your spider story. I’m not a huge fan either, but I can typically eliminate smaller ones that decide to occupy my home.

    It is ridiculously cool that you have been able to live so many places. I imagine there are some difficulties in jumping around while growing up, but I really like to travel and see new cultures. It sounds like you definitely got to do that.

    Good luck with your major and can’t wait to blog with you some more.

  13. Hey Anthony! Wow, you really have been everywhere! I can kind of relate because I'm from Pakistan and when I was five I moved to New Jersey, then to New York, and then lastly to Oklahoma. Throughout this process I went to 8 different schools. I don't know if you'll agree or not, but moving so much here and there really makes you become someone who can easily adapt to change, something that really helps in the long run.

    Also, I have never heard of supply chain management as a major, or at all. Its really interesting to read people's introductions because everyone has such different majors and you learn so many new ones but thats sweet that you've found something you love and want to do.

    Good luck with everything!

  14. Hey Anthony! Congratulations on getting accepted into Price! Two of my roommates are in that, and I know it is hard to get into! Supply chain is not something I know a lot about, but it seems as though you are very excited, so I know you’ll enjoy it! I was born in San Antonio also!! I would love to live in Okinawa, but I would hate those spiders. I absolutely hate spiders! Haha I definitely enjoyed reading your description of your ‘love’ for spiders, which I most definitely share with equal enthusiasm, I covered up the picture that you put on here. Have a great semester! I wish you the best of luck!

  15. Hello, Anthony!
    I think it is so cool that you have traveled to so many different places and experienced different cultures. I've only moved from India to Oklahoma and spent eight years here. It is very difficult to adapt to cultural differences. It must've been so challenging for you to settle into one place and then having to move again. But on contrary, it would make you so tolerant of different cultures.

  16. Hi Anthony!
    I think it is so cool that you have gotten to live in so many different places! I am shy so that would terrify me! I love that you got to live in Japan. I bet that would be so interesting. Spiders definitely freak me out too! I hate them so much! It's cool that you lived in Edmond. I actually am moving up to Edmond after I graduate this semester!

  17. Anthony,

    I can’t imagine how fun it would have been to experience all of the various regions within the U.S. as well as in Japan! I’m sure you have several awesome stories/pictures of your childhood. Do you intend to continue travelling once you’ve graduated? I think that being raised in an environment like that would have piqued my interest for exploring and learning.

  18. Hello Anthony!

    What fun it must have been to live in many different places! I grew up in Texas for the entirety of my grade-school life. It was boring, but at the same time I am glad we didn't move around. I am interested to know more about Japan! I am sure it is a country with a wonderful culture. I currently live in India, so I am experiencing a little bit of South Asian culture. However, I have never been to East Asia! I hope to go some day. I hope your semester is going well! Happy Spring Break!

  19. Hello Anthony!

    What fun it must have been to live in many different places! I grew up in Texas for the entirety of my grade-school life. It was boring, but at the same time I am glad we didn't move around. I am interested to know more about Japan! I am sure it is a country with a wonderful culture. I currently live in India, so I am experiencing a little bit of South Asian culture. However, I have never been to East Asia! I hope to go some day. I hope your semester is going well! Happy Spring Break!

  20. Hi Anthony! Supply Chain management sounds like an interesting career. When I first read your intro…it made me think of undercover boss! Japan sounds exciting and full of adventure. I bet you have some detailed stories from those memories. The picture of the spider was totally not nice! I wouldn’t have even goggled it…like at all! Spiders are the worst and I am totally terrified of them! Best of luck on your major!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Hi Anthony! It must have been extremely fun to experience different places around the country, and the world, during your childhood. I absolutely hate spiders! I would not have gone anywhere near their webs as a child and I especially would not have gone close enough to throw insects into the web. Yuck!
    Supply Chain Management seems like an interesting career. Good luck with your studies!

  23. Hi Anthony! It is awesome that you have been all over the place! I have been stuck in Oklahoma my whole life and that is something I feel I have really missed out on is not getting to see and experience more of the world. My mom lived in Okinawa too though! She was about 8 when she left and she describes it in a similar fashion to the way you did. She said it was a good learning experience. Anyways, good luck this semester!

  24. Anthony,
    It sounds like you had a very exciting childhood. I've never been to Japan, but would love to go someday. I took the History of East Asia, so I actually learned about their culture. Seems like a great place to visit! I feel about snakes how you feel about spiders. They're creepy, and if I see one I'm running the other direction! Good luck with everything!

  25. Hey Anthony!
    A fellow military brat! My dad served 21 years in the Army, and as I’m sure you know it’s an interesting life. Ironically I never got to travel. My dad settled on Fort Sill when I was about one, and that was sort of the end of our family’s travels. Whether that was by design or coincidence they would never confess.
    I spent a little time in Korea a few years ago and there are some CREEPY bugs on the pacific. It was like the further south we went in the country the stranger and scarier the bugs got. Your fear is totally valid. Spiders are evil. Why else would these bugs be so big and ugly if they weren’t evil?
    Good luck finishing out your semester!
