Sunday, January 25, 2015

Week 2 Storybook Topics

Possible Topic: Shiva. My first possible topic that I thought would be interesting to write about would be the god Shiva. The reason I choose Shiva first is because in one of my previous classes I learned a little about Shiva, and I thought he was a very interesting god. Before looking at any information on Shiva from the links provided, I remember that Shiva plays a major role in culture/religion not just in India, but in other countries as well. Shiva is known as the god of “Creation and Destruction”. It is said that with his bending leg he is crushing the evil demon spirits, and the other is raised up in a dancing position.

Shiva in the Nataraja Dance
Photo Taken by: Kenneth Lu

Possible Topic: Ravana. This may not come as a surprise for you Mrs. Gibbs, but for my second topic choice, I thought that I would pick to write a story about Ravana. Last semester in the Mythology and Folklore class I wrote my storybook over Odysseus. It was called “The Legend of Odysseus”.  It would be neat to also to the same about Ravana. I am obsessed with main protagonists and antagonists. I mean, what is there not to like about writing about a dude with 10 heads and a billion arms! Awesome! Doing a storybook over Ravana would be the opposite of what I did last year, and a cool way to compare and contrast the two.
Possible Topic: Gods and Goddesses (Ganga: River and Goddess): The Ganges River is one of the most sacred rivers in India, and the Hindu religion. Hindus consider the water from the Ganges to be purifying and pure. It is also a source of a lot of stories. The river is sacred and is often personified as a goddess called Ganga. There are some mentions of the Goddess in the Hindu epic Mahabarata as well. The river seems like a source of a lot of spirituality, and it would be an interesting topic to write about.

Possible Topic: Love stories/ Birth and Death Stories. Last but not least I would like to write about one of these topics, or both if available. I know that it is two separated topics, but I just couldn’t decide which one to pick. I would like to write about the origin stories of some of the Characters in the Ramayana like Rama or Vishnu. I also like Tragic stories for example the Romeo and Juliet story. 

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